Short description of stars

Characteristics of a regular star :

The theory of stars :

Forgetting about composition concerns, only two of the former characteristics suffice to describe the star (they imply the two others). For instance the mass of the star and it's age give the surface temperature and luminosity.

We are making a game, why concern about these characteristics ?

What is the so-called "Herzprung Russel diagram" ?

If you take surface temperature an lumisonisty as parameters, they are not completely unlinked. Put for every star a point in a 2D diagram, with one axis giving luminosity and the other the temperature : then a great majority of stars fits within a diagonal band, or whithin two or three patches. The reason why this diagram is important for astronomers is that temperature and luminosity are the easyest star characteristics to measure. Age is not measured and for mass you need binary stars.

Star colors :

Roughly, the color depends on the temperature. Red is the coolest, then it follows the rainbow up to blue, the hottest.

Supernovaes :

Only heavy stars explode. The ones like the sun experience a supergiant phase, and then quietly die and become white dwarves.

Other types :